Llamas Colordao 12680 Mesa View Road, Larkspur, Co 80118
I/We, __________________________________________________________(Lessee) fully agree to the terms of this contract with Llamas Colorado to lease the llamas and equipment described below. This contract is made on _____________________________________________ (Today’s Date).
Lessee Phone Number: ________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Lease for a term beginning on _________________ and ending on _________________.
FEES. I agree to pay the full amount of this lease and any additional charges including if due to extension of the lease period. I also agree to pay any transportation charges. _______ (initial)
Llama Fee
# of Llama(s): _____ ____________________________________________________________________
Training Fee (for Llama 101 if needed)
Equipment Fee
Stock Rack
Other(s): _____________________________________________________
50% DEPOSIT (DUE WITHIN 10 DAYS of Agreement) (Please mail checks to: 5500 S Forest Lane, Littleton, CO 80121.)
LLAMA AND EQUIPMENT LEASE. Upon taking possession of the llama(s) and equipment, I understand and agree to assume full liability and responsibility for the llama(s) and equipment. I shall provide care and feed in sufficient quantity so as to return the animal(s) in the same or better condition. I shall notify Llamas Colorado of any lost or damaged equipment.
Llamas Colorado or its designated agent shall be the sole judge of the condition upon return. If Llama(s) or equipment cannot be returned in the same condition as when leased, I agree to pay the following:
Llama or Equipment Condition
Fee(s) per animal or item.
Injury (or similar) such that the llama(s) is expected with care to return to the same condition as when leased.
$1000 per animal
Lost Llama(s)
$5000 per animal or $500 per day per animal until found, up to 10 days
Llama(s) dies or becomes disabled such that it is not expected to return to the same condition as when leased.
$5000 per animal
Lost Halter or Lead Rope
$20.00 per item
Lost Pack Saddle or Pannier
$350.00 per item
Other Lost Equipment or Equipment Repairs
Cost of replacement or repair
TRAINING. I attended an orientation session conducted by Llamas Colorado or other accepted llama professional concerning the use, care, and treatment of llamas as pack animals under trail conditions. I attest that I have sufficient wilderness experience in addition to the orientation session to undertake the care and handling of the llamas under trail conditions. I am confident in my skills and am solely capable of handling the llamas under trail conditions without further assistance or direction from the Llamas Colorado. _______ (initial)
LIABILITY. I fully understand and agree that Llamas Colorado, its agents and the United States of America shall not be held liable for damage or claims resulting from the use of the llama(s) by me or members of my party. I understand fully the responsibility associated with the use of the llama(s) and assume totally that responsibility for the term of this lease. I shall pay any claims or legal fees connected with the use of the llama(s) under the terms of this lease. _______ (initial)
WARNING: Under Colorado law, a llama professional is not liable for injury to or death of a participant in llama activities resulting from the inherent risks of llama activities (§ 13-21-119 Colorado Revised Statutes).
___________________________________ ____________ ______________________________
Lessee(s) Signature 

Date Llamas Colorado Signature Date